Can I use a Breaker on my Hitch?
The short answer is...yes. But it isn't recommended by many manufacturers.
It is physically possible to use a Breaker, Pecker, Hammer or similar attachment on your Digger / Excavator. It will allow you to speed up your attachment changes if you're swapping between your breaker and another bucket or attachment. But just because you can, doesn't mean you should.
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Hydraulic Beakers are a very hard-wearing attachment as they have to produce a lot of power and rapid movement to break through tough grounds. They operate at 400 - 2000 bpm (blows per minute) to enable you to tear through the ground before you go in with your bucket or other attachment. Imagine digging with your bucket 400 - 2000 times per minute...It is a lot of force being propelled through your excavator, dipper arm and hitch (if you have one attached).
This will obviously cause a lot of lateral movement onto the hitch, causing parts to rub, jolt and wear, potentially causing parts of your hitch to become worn beyond use or damaged beyond repair.
Will I void my warranty if I use a Breaker on my Hitch?

Most manufacturers, including: Strickland, Digbits and ourselves, will have a clause in their Hitch Warranty that confirms that if you misuse, abuse or neglect your hitch by using it in scenarios that put the hitch under excessive force, like with the use of a Breaker, then you will void your hitch warranty.
Your Rhinox Hitch Warranty will also be deemed void if faults occur due to unauthorised modifications like drilling, welding or cutting; damage is caused due to failing to follow transportation, storage, cleaning and operating instructions outlined in the user manual and if there are replacement or repair of hitch components (whether they are genuine or non-genuine components). Other manufacturers will have similar terms in their warranty policies, so it is best to check these before carrying out any further action.
What if I use a Breaker a lot?
If you use a Hydraulic Breaker or Pecker a lot, we recommend directly mounting your attachment to your digger / excavator. This means that, although it will take you longer to switch between attachments, you're not investing in a Hitch that will inevitably break through misuse and abuse. It also means the potential for safety issues to occur are reduced as there isn't a Hitch to break or fail while in use.
Rhinox Warranty Policies