Rhinox Concrete Bucket Capacity & Weight Comparison (Video)

Rhinox Concrete Bucket Capacity & Weight Comparison

Our range of concrete pouring buckets allow any operator to save money on those expensive concrete pumps by turning your excavator into a concrete pouring tool! Partnered up with a tiltrotator, there's so much more you can conquer when it comes to reaching those tricky angles when pouring foundations! But, why do our tiltrotator concrete buckets have a smaller capacity than our standard pouring buckets? And, why do our S60 & S70 concrete pouring buckets have the same capacity even though they fit different size excavators? In this video we run through our concrete pouring bucket range, their capacities and the reasons behind their designs and dimensions!

Shop Rhinox's Standard Concrete Pouring Buckets.

Shop Rhinox's S60 Tilt Rotator Buckets & Attachments.

Shop Rhinox's S70 Tilt Rotator Buckets & Attachments.

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